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1328 Toilet Cleaner for Cleaning Toilet (1ltr)

1328 toilet cleaner for cleaning toilet 1ltr

1328 Toilet Cleaner for Cleaning Toilet (1ltr)

Rs. 149.00 Sale price
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Toilet Cleaner for Cleaning Toilet (1ltr)

Ultra shine Toilet Cleaner is ideal for both Indian and Western Toilets. It is 1.5 times better than ordinary cleaners in removing Limescale deposits in the toilet bowl. This results into better shine and cleaning. Advanced thicker formulation makes the toilet extraordinary clean & absolutely sparkling. It's?ΓΏ power gives faster, better & efficient cleaning, leaving behind a lingering fragrance. It helps kill 99.9% germs.

  • Toilet Cleaner kills all germs dead including bacteria, virus, and fungi
  • Thick formula for stain removal and fights unpleasant smell
  • Helps bring the shine back to the toilet bowl and leaves it sparkling clean
  • Unique bottleneck design which helps to pour the liquid easily into deep corners under toilet rim
  • Keeps toilet fresh, clean, and disinfected

Physical Dimension

Weight (Gm) :- 1105

Length (Cm) :- 11

Breadth (Cm) :- 5

Height (Cm) :- 29


Delivery Time - with in 3-8 Days

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