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1339 Sanitary Urinal Cubes - 100 grams

1339 sanitary urinal cubes 100 grams

1339 Sanitary Urinal Cubes - 100 grams

Rs. 49.00 Sale price
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Sanitary Urinal Cubes - 100 grams?ΓΏ

Wonder Fresh Urinal Cubes is the best product to be used for standing toilets and washbasins. Can be used in hospitals, houses, offices, theatres, restaurants, hotels, industrial toilets,public toilets, etc. The best thing about Wonder Fresh urinal Cubes is it kills germs containing in your standing toilets and the pleasant fragrance keeps your washroom & bathroom fresh and pleasant to stay.These urinal Cube balls repel or kill insects such as moths and silverfish. They can also be used around sinks wash basins to keep the foul smell away and keep them bacteria free.It keeps these places safe from cockroaches.Wonder Fresh Urinal Cubes are anti-insect,anti moth,anti pests, anti odour and anti bacteria.

Features :

  • Office,hospital,restaurant,hotel,theatre,public toilet use. Used for standing toilets and wash basin.
  • Good,pleasant, strong & long lasting fragrant balls
  • Mix Fragrances included in this pack so that you can experience different fragrances every month.
  • anti insect, anti moth, anti pests, anti odour, anti bacterial.
  • Suites all urinal pots

Physical Dimension

Weight (Gm) :- 100

Length (Cm) :- 5

Breadth (Cm) :- 3

Height (Cm) :- 13


Delivery Time - with in 3-8 Days

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