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0369 Child Anti Lost Safety Belt

child anti lost safety belt anti lost wrist link harness strap rope leash walking hand belt child anti lost strap band

0369 Child Anti Lost Safety Belt

Rs. 484.00 Sale price
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  • This safety wristband,when pats take their kids out, which helps to keep the child in sight and won't get lost in crowded places.
  • The Wrist Link made of oford cloth with soft cotton that feels silky smooth,that way it is ensured that both the parent and the child skin are not hurt.
  • KEEP YOUR CHILDREN CLOSE AND SAFE: Suitable for looking after children/toddlers, keep them close without watching them tightly, ensure their safety in the public places.
  • FLEXIABLE, DURABLE AND ENOUGH LONG: 2.5 meter/8.2ft strong PU cord wrapped with stainless steel + 360 degrees rotating stainless steel plus DOUBLE anti-pricking tape
  • The cord can be stretched to 150cm/59inch, so your child still has a bit of freedom of their own.
Tags: Baby Care

Delivery Time - with in 3-8 Days

100 k+ Family

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